Royal Windsor Horse Show Displays
The Main Displays
There are four key displays in the Castle Arena, but visitors can also enjoy displays in the Hubs Live Zone with five different areas of interest.

DAKS Pony Club Mounted Games
Taking place throughout the Show week, the final of the Games takes place on Sunday. Teams from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland compete against each other in a variety of challenging but hugely entertaining races – fun for all the family!

The Defender Shetland Pony Grand National
The highly competitive jockeys (and ponies!) will be battling it out for a win in the Castle Arena every day. Watch these brave little ponies speed around the course and cheer them on as they head for the finish.

The Musical Drive of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery
The Musical Drive of The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, is a spectacular display, which demonstrates all the talent, courage and skill of this unique display. The Drive comprises six World War One ceremonial guns, 61 horses, 43 mounted soldiers and 16 dismounted soldiers. The Musical Drive showcases the military precision and manoeuvres used in the First World War to drive guns around the battlefield.

Azerbaijan – Land of Fire
Be amazed at this spectacular display of horsemanship and music – all the way from Azerbaijan, presented by the country’s Equestrian Federation. Men and women, dressed in national dress, perform extraordinary acrobatic tricks on horseback and accompany their outstanding display with music from their own culture.

The Hubs
Introduced in 2024, the Hubs are areas of special interest to our visitors. For 2025 the five areas – Gardening, Performance, Art, Children and Sustainability – will be grouped together, forming the Live Zone, and will have one central performance stage.