Royal Windsor Horse Show -
Green Windsor

Green Windsor - Our Aim
We aim to make responsible decisions that make a positive contribution towards the Royal Windsor Horse Show’s impact on the environment, including reducing the use of natural resources and avoiding wastage whenever possible. We are signed up to the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative which helps event organisers map their route towards Net Zero.
We have engaged our team and suppliers with our environmental ambitions. This includes reviewing our achievements after Royal Windsor Horse Show each year.
Suppliers and Stakeholders
We work with a wide range of Suppliers and Stakeholders. In order to make Royal Windsor Horse Show more sustainable we require them to be more sustainable too. All suppliers and stakeholders are asked to provide information about their sustainability policies so that we can better understand any limitations and road blocks.
Royal Windsor Horse Show is a greenfield site and this is probably the biggest challenge we have in terms of environmental sustainability. Much of the infrastructure is hired in thus by default it is re-used such as the ‘shedding’ for the shopping village, the seatings stands, the furniture and the tents. Other areas are more challenging and we are working collaboratively with all aspects of the build process to ensure that our environmental sustainability ambitions are met.
Production and Procurement
Refuse, Rethink , Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Our teams are asked to think about every procurement contract and are required to think about the impact that contract has on emissions. Examples include:
- We have a no single-use plastic policy for all catering on site.
- We provide water bottle refill stations for the public to refill their water bottles and actively encourage the public to bring their own water bottles.
- We produce over 12,000 wristlets for competitors and their supporting teams at Royal Windsor Horse Show. This year they will be either paper or a PET* material. We will encourage competitors to dispose of them at the show so we can ensure they are recycled.
- We use 8000 PET* access cards and lanyards at the Show. We will encourage everyone to leave them onsite in dedicated bins at the end of the show so that they can be recycled.
- We maximise the Re -Use of materials on site which we store from previous events these include – 3000m of scrim, 80% of general event signage, 700m white fencing used for warm -up arenas, 6000m2 of reusable temporary plastic flooring and 250m of larch lap fencing.
- All carpet** used is made from recycled materials and is taken away and recycled by our specialist carpet provider.
- All new signage from site is made from recyclable material much of it is re-used in future years and none goes to landfill.
- All printed material such as leaflets, programmes or badges are printed on either recycled or FSC-certified paper. And we have reviewed and reduced the amount of print that we use for the Show.
- All general waste on site is taken to a waste to energy plant – none goes to landfill.
- All timber used onsite will have a dedicated & monitored timber waste skip.
- All glass onsite will have dedicated glass bells recycling.
- Hospitality food waste is required to be collected and removed responsibly.
- Take away coffee cups are sorted at source and recycled.
- All waste cardboard from deliveries and tradstands is sorted separately for dedicated recycling.
The transportation of equipment and goods to events is a significant generator of carbon emissions. Our vision is to work with our suppliers and customers to transition to low carbon transport options. We have a ‘No Idling’ policy on site for suppliers and exhibitors.
We encourage visiting public and staff to use active travel such as walking and cycling or public transport and amplify through working with partners such as Southwest Railways.
We are committed to communicating our mission on sustainability to all of our customers whether they be suppliers, visitors or VIPs. We communicate digitally and on site in order to encourage our community and the event industry to support net-zero carbon.
*PolyEthylene Terephthalate – most recyclable plastic in the world.
**Except wet carpet